If you would like to join the Seattle Chapter (chapter number 4486), we would love to have you as a new member. The fun, excitement, numerous bike events and the new friendships and general camaraderie will surely be rewarding to you - we all love to ride!
To join, download and print the membership forms linked to this page. Mail your completed forms with a check for chapter dues made out to Seattle Chapter HOG to our Membership Officer (the postal address is on the form). Once your membship is processed your membership card will be mailed to the address provided.
Please note that you must have a valid HOG National Membership to join any local Chapter of HOG.
Harley recently adjsuted their membership and introduced a tier system. You must have the Harley Owners Group tier.
Nattional HOG
Copy of the Membership Application can be downloaded here.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download this file. The reader can be downloaded for free here.